A time to work...
It has come to my attention that people may not be taking my blog as seriously as they should be, something that deeply disturbs me. So this week we are keeping things serious, that's right, no jokes what so ever. I have always seen my method of teaching to be more akin to a strict professor, showing you how it is one ruler slap at a time. My work has always been defined by the gritty nature of the blogging industry, a hard biting critique of the world we live in. I have made my judgements only to be misunderstood by the masses, and as you can imagine this deals a great blow to my ego, my massive, massive ego. Week after week I have spilled out pure knowledge only to receive comments like "What does this have to do with photography?" and "Who would get a full body tattoo for your blog?" Well no more! From now on I am a cornucopia of photographic and blogging expertise. Each blog will be filled to the brim with hard facts, each sentence filled with words so big you'll have to use a dictionary to understand any of it. Here's an example "Welcome to my photography compendium, today's theorem will be about how you can ameliorate your skills as a camera operant." What the hell does that mean? Who knows, but damn does it feel important. For those of you who are seeking truth, stay tuned. For those of you seeking to laugh, begone, I am a new man!