How to Blog: Part 2
Step 2: Advertise!
Now that you have chosen a name for your blog it's time to start advertising. Advertising yourself and your product is incredibly important. If no one knows who or what your product is then there is no point in even trying to sell it in the first place. In order to show you how to advertise, I have devised a couple of ways that anyone can help spread their brand that is not only effective but also eye-catching.
Internet Ads: A simple and effective way to gain an audience, simply pay for space with an advertising bureau and you're good to go.
Business Cards: Getting people to visit your site can be tricky, but handing out cards whenever it's appropriate is easy and cost-effective.
Word of Mouth: This one is free and easy as you don't have to do much legwork. Your site will simply spread when people mention you or your site.
Billboards: A more expensive option but all the more effective. Seeing the name of your blog along the highway is seen as an accomplishment for some people.
Tattoos: Having your brand tattooed on a person skin is a permanent reminder of your blog, every time they take of their shirt or show some skin, boom, your blog will be there to greet the people. Nothing says classy like a full body tattoo of your brand.
Hire the homeless: Spread some love and give back as you hire the homeless. Have them hold a sign with your name on it instead of having them beg for cash. It's definitely better this way for everyone!
Shouting: Unlike word of mouth shouting is a great way to force your blog on the people. Like a man on the street corner calling you a sinner, shout your blog to the world, make them listen, make them love you! You're not crazy if it works.
These are just a few simple and easy ideas to help you get an audience. Once you have established a fan base it's up to you to keep your content up to date and have it satisfy your viewers. Remember, if you're not happy with your blog no one else will be either.
Next time we will go over the ethics of blogging and how to avoid the police in sticky legal and property violations.